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5 Key Tools For Navigating Difficult Conversations
After the need for entering into a potentially difficult conversation has been identified, where do we go from there?
How Custom E-Learning Expands on Your Organization’s DEI Learner Journey
At Ibis, our e-learnings are based on real-life scenarios and capture some of the feelings, sentiments and experiences that unfold in the workplace over the course of the workday.
Inclusive Culture in a Hybrid Environment
Hybrid work environments are here to stay. But how can we adjust to the new team dynamics that result from mixing remote and in-person work? At the ABA summit, we presented a unique and dynamic Interactive Theater session to help teams address hybrid workplace challenges through the portrayal of a workplace scenario familiar to many organizations.
Inclusive Culture, Dialogue & Shared Understanding
Hybrid work environments are here to stay. But how can we adjust to the new team dynamics that result from mixing remote and in-person work?
A Deep Dive Into Racial Equity E-Learning – Module 1
This e-learning explores some important topics that many learners are curious about.
How Real-Life Stories Can Help Black Employees Thrive
As we celebrate Black History Month, we are inspired and energized by the racial equity work undertaken by many of our clients.
How to Create a Successful DEI Learner Journey in 5 Steps
What’s the best way to focus on DEI awareness and education?
Looking Back... and Looking Ahead...
In 2022, we saw global courage and significant changes in DEI, from inclusive leadership to DEI as a strategic priority. IBIS engaged 22,500 learners, emphasizing dialogue and developing robust learner journeys to drive sustainable DEI impact.
Days of Significance: How to Be an Inclusive Leader during the Holiday Season
One of the most exciting things about the end of the year? The diversity of holidays! Of course, days of significance happen all year round—but it’s now, in this special season, that a wide range of cultural and religious holidays can be experienced in quick succession.
A How-To Guide on Inclusive Leadership…in a Hybrid Work Environment
Inclusive leadership demands dedication. Perseverance. A willingness to be vulnerable and engage in dialogue. But being an inclusive leader in a hybrid work environment? Phew. It takes all of that and more. If we could express it in one word, we’d say it takes intention.
All About ERGs and BERGs: A Resource Guide
ERG and BERGs deliver their greatest impact when they can bring everyone in the company along. By focusing on results, sharing successes and solutions to challenges, ERGs can learn from each other, and the rest of the company will learn too. Our best advice?
Holding Difficult Conversations… Do I Have To?
The work of learning and including different identities and experiences is part of every journey toward DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). But how do you do it?
The 3 Goals of a DEI Learner Journey
The DEI Learner Journey covers various topics and learning objectives for each audience level, based on their unique needs and their DEI maturity level.
Observing Juneteenth...for the 1st, 2nd, or 157th time
Celebrations of Juneteenth date back to 1866, but for many in the United States, this year marks only the second year of widespread commemoration.
Hot Topics in the Workplace: Debate vs. Dialogue
Inclusive leadership is not innate; it requires learning and practice.
IBIS’s Innovative Theater-Based DEI Training Highlighted in Harvard Business Review
We’re thrilled to share that a new article about our Interactive Theater DEI Training can be found on Harvard Business Review.
How To Be An Ally
Success is often seen as self-made, but we succeed together. Allyship helps elevate others, and IBIS offers workshops to teach allyship skills using the FLEX model: Focus Within, Learn From Others, Engage in Dialogue, and eXpand the Options.
New Work on Black Male Leadership
Ibis Senior Consultant Dr. Enin Rudel is breaking new ground on the topic of Black male leadership with his article on "Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Social Architecture and Black Male Leadership," for which he is lead author.
How to Support the Career Growth of Black Employees
After the death of George Floyd, many leaders asked Black employees about racism in the workplace. Melissa James calls for personalized career growth plans that consider dimensions of diversity, supporting Black employees in their career success.
Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Organizations honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. can foster DEI awareness by engaging in year-long service. At IBIS, we support nonprofits through pro bono consulting, financial donations, and using Charity Miles to fundraise for causes.
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