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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Branding & Marketing
One best practice we at IBIS frequently recommend to clients: Ensure that all teams involved in the development or marketing of a product or service are diverse—and include diverse consumers as stakeholders.
A Year of Learning: Be Bold, Go Deep, and Speak Up
In 2018, the IBIS team worked hard to create more equity, diversity, and inclusion, training more than 100,000 employees from organizations across the globe, assessing companies, universities, and nonprofits against 400+ best practices, and adding 3 new and creative services to the IBIS platform.
Not Just HR’s Job: How to Set Your Organization up for Success
For a company to truly commit to D&I, simply hiring more diverse people and making sure everyone is happy just won’t cut it. It is about changing the culture of an organization and the way it does business. And it takes a village.
What is a Person of Color?
I consider myself a Person of Color, because it’s a common term that gives people a little more understanding of my experiences. But I want the phrase to be an honor, and not a pathway to bias.
Get Bold, Courageous and Funny in the Workplace
Diversity & Inclusion training with a comedic element empowers participants to address some of the subtler forms of diversity dynamics in the office.
The Leader As Ally: How to Make It Work
When leaders stand up as adversaries of discrimination, they have an outsize impact on diversity, equity, and inclusion—and that impact can have significant upside, apart from being a helping hand.
Starbucks: Moving Beyond Training
Many of the Fortune 500 companies today have formal unconscious bias programs for their executives, managers and employees.
What’s a Transition Plan? Helping Employees Through Gender Transitions
One best practice is to ensure a consistent, HR-driven process to help create an equitable workplace environment for transgender and gender-diverse employees.
Responding to Casual Racism
We must speak up, when it’s safe for us to do so, even if it means returning to the same person weeks or months later. Silence, over time, is complicit.
It’s #TransAwareness Month
History was made this month when seven ‘out’ transgender people were elected to public office on November 7th.”
Interactive Theater Gives Your Organization a Learning Experience They Will Never Forget
The interview described above isn’t real—it’s a scene, being performed by professional actors as part of our Interactive Theater training modality.
Mitigating Bias and Leveraging Inclusive Multicultural Teams
Understanding more about unconscious bias and learning how to help create an inclusive culture will help shed light on how this works.
The Inclusive Organization Framework©
Success with D&I requires multiple initiatives, strategically aligned, and successful D&I initiatives combine a focus on individuals with a reworking of core systems.
The Diversity Vision Statement: What? And Why?
We recommend writing a diversity vision statement. This statement both compels readers to engage communicates strategy around the three pillars of diversity and inclusion: workforce, workplace, and marketplace.
How to Minimize Unconscious Bias in Career Development
Unconscious bias has unquestionably played a role in your career development.
Yikes! What Can I Do To Stop Unconscious Bias in Recruitment and Hiring?
Unconscious bias is normal, and natural. But that doesn’t mean it’s healthy or productive.
What is Unconscious Bias, Anyway?
Unconscious bias is in operation whenever we are making decisions—about hiring, promoting, evaluating—impacting everything we do without our conscious awareness.
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